Bleach Screen Dreaming Shroud, 2020
5x2.5ft, images of bleach droplets on an iPad screen digitally printed on transparency, dental floss
The rainbow images in this piece come from backlit bleach droplets sprayed on top of a cashier ipad after every customer interaction at my take-out job during lockdown. I took these images of the droplets on my iphone and printed them on transparency. The constant cleaning of the screen, using bleach that will eventually degrade materials in time with an ironic purpose of purity and preservation. The science writer Margaret Wertheim talks about how the presence of cyberspace, existing and relating to each other in a non physical realm, has created a framework for acknowledging other aspects of our beings beyond pure materialism, the psychological and spiritual ones, that were left out under the dawn of Newtonian cosmology. I was thinking about how the pandemic brought our connection points to this cyber realm, seeing our loved ones through screens, and also elicited for some, more time to explore, for better or worse, aspects of our own psychological realms that may have previously been unexplored. Dream studies conducted during the pandemic showed an increase in the vibrancy and lucidity of dreams, due to less outer stimulation during the day. I thought about laying a quilt over my body while dreaming, dreams and sleep as little deaths, slipping into another realm, and longing and dreaming of loved ones who have since lost their materiality. The dimensions of the piece are in line with my own body's height, in proportions to the dimensions of my iphone. The dental floss is a nod to my newfound dedication to this bedtime ritual during the pandemic, a bodily act of controlled care despite my eventual post-mortem state.